Governance, peace and stability
Contributing to a safe, stable and supportive Indian Ocean region
Citizen Connections 2
Encouraging the emergence of digital citizen-action projects in French speaking Africa
Dialogues Migrations
Changing the portrayal of migration
Kalan Academy
Strengthening the management skills of African local media managers
MediaLab for Women
To promote the creation of new French speaking content that uses open data to address gender-related issues in Sub Saharan Africa
Project in Support of Open Governments in French-speaking Africa
OpenData Media 2
Support for the emergence of a network of African datactivists
Media 360°
Media outlets and social networks in French speaking Africa
OpenData Media
Training journalists and leaders of Civil Society Organisations to use and analyse open data relating to public initiatives.
Terra Media
Journalism and climate change
Madagascan Citizens’ Dialogues
Involving the Madagascan media in the citizen-led control of public initiatives.
Innovate Africa – Entrepreneurs
Promoting the emergence of new digital media projects in Africa and ensuring their long-term future.