Kalan Academy

The importance of local media, and in particular radio, is well established in Africa. Because they are easily accessible, they contribute to informing, raising the awareness of and mobilising people around different themes: politics, local governance and economy, the environment, education, health, culture, etc.
However, there is now a real need for management training that addresses the economic, organisational and strategic issues of media managers.
Launched by the Centre Solidarité et Initiatives pour le Développement (CSID-Bénin), in partnership with CFI, Kalan* Academy aims to strengthen the management skills of local media managers through online training. It is the first step in a project to build a learning platform for media management in Africa.
* Kalan means “training” in Bambara and Dyula, two West African languages
Project beneficiaries
- 30 French-speaking local media managers in Africa
- a teaching team of 10 trainers
Files to download
Launching an e-learning platform
Selection of a digital solutions company to design the tool, produce resources (written, audio or video materials) and train users.
Strengthening the knowledge of 30 people in the management of a local media outlet
Selection after a call for applications, training, assessment and remote supervision.
Kalan Academy call for applications: advanced management of local African media outlets
Setting up a strategy for the sustainability of the platform
Regular adjustments to the training content, development of other training courses in local media management, design of a catalogue of training courses, development of an economic viability model for the platform and promotion of this tool to potential partners and clients.