Calls for tenders

CFI regularly launches for public tenders to select the most suitable companies to provide services of works, services or supplies.

Please, first, read contractual documents.


Femme devant micro

Call for tenders – Media international expertise – Trainings in Southeast Asia

Media for One Health project is project led by CFI, French agency for media development, and funded by the French ministry of foreign affairs. This project wants to bring the “One Health” scientific approach to the knowledge of a wide public by raising awareness of local media and training their

Tender regulation
2024 September 13th at 6:00 pm (GMT+01:00 Paris, Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid)

Qarib program / Contract for regional logistics and activities manager based in Amman

The Qarib program supports social cohesion and positive democratic developments by advancing the representation of marginalized voices, especially those of women, in national and regional discourses through support to media in Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, and Palestine. The Qarib program promotes the

Call for quotations
March 27, 2024 at 06:00 pm (GMT+01:00 Paris, Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid)

Framework Contract for Logistic Provider/ Transport Services

In the Western Balkans, as elsewhere in Europe, the last few years have been affected by strong disinformation linked to the Covid epidemic. More recently, Russia's invasion in Ukraine seems to have intensified the influence and disinformation campaigns waged by both local and foreign interests. 

Unit price list
2 April at 8.00 p.m.

Ethiopian media Support, Train, Protect & Value (Journalism in a sensitive context)

The Ethiopia Media Support project aims to strengthen the training skills of the media self-regulation body Ethiopian Media Council (EMC), to cement its legitimacy and credibility within the media sector, where it works to promote the freedom of the press and guarantee that journalists take ethics

call for quotation
February 9th 2024 at [8:00 PM] (GMT+01:00 Paris, Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid).

Call for quotations - Provision of expertise in Media and Information Literacy (MIL) and fact-checking in the Western Balkans

The Balkan Expressions 2 project aims to strengthen young people's participation in regional dialogue by supporting their media and digital expression and combating misinformation.

The project focuses on 2 major axes:

  • Reinforcing Media and Information Education for young audiences, to enable
Call for quotations
17th of December 2023 at 8:00pm (GMT+01:00 Paris, Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid)