Our community
CFI brings together women and men who are working to defend pluralistic and democratic information.
Partner organisations, in-house teams, journalists we support and media experts work together to build projects that are perfectly adapted to the actual situation on the ground and the challenges of tomorrow.
The media outlets and people we support
The agency supports media outlets, journalists and members of civil society committed to ensuring the independence of information.

They operate within public, private and online media outlets. They are journalists, media outlet managers and technicians, bloggers, engaged citizens or members of civil society: check out the profiles of our project beneficiaries (link to Wide angle > Profiles).
Our network of experts
Experts are media professionals recruited by CFI for assignments lasting an average of two weeks. These assignments are generally carried out abroad as part of a project for which a specific skill is being sought (fact-checking, production of journalistic content etc.).
As a subsidiary of France Médias Monde, CFI can also call directly upon professionals from RFI, France 24 and Monte Carlo Doualiya.
We are also able to tap into the expertise of France Télévisions, AFP, Médiapart, La Netscouade, i-Télé, Rue89, BFM, Canal+, Lagardère Active and Bondy Blog. These media outlets are committed to making certain employees available when a project requires more specialised expertise or broader support.

CFI is increasingly calling upon the expertise of information sector operators who have previously received support from the agency (Africa Check, AfricTivistes, CSID, UNALFA, ARIJ etc.).
Our partners
We work in partnership with other organisations around the world to create joint media projects.
Some projects have therefore been designed and implemented with the Institut français, the Francophone University Association, the Arab NGO Network for Development, Lab’ESS in Tunisia and Canal+ Afrique.
CFI regularly works with its German counterpart (Deutsche Welle Akademie), the NGO International Media Support (IMS), the French Audiovisual Institute (INA), the Fondation Hirondelle and Thomson Media.
CFI also works with Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism (ARIJ), AfricTivistes, the Centre For Economic Sustainability and Inclusive Development (CESID), National Union of Free Audiovisual Media of Burkina Faso (UNALFA) and Africa Check. Thanks to their local footing, these partners help to identify media outlets, journalists or members of civil society who are not always known to CFI and to build projects in line with the situation on the ground.
Lastly, the agency is an active member of the Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD) and the European Partnership for Democracy (EPD).