Balkan Voices 2

LThe phenomenon of disinformation, which was already considered endemic throughout the Western Balkans, has significantly gained pace in recent years, largely as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022.
Balkan Voices 2 helps young people in the Balkans to express themselves in the media by strengthening media literacy among young people. This project also trains future journalists to fight disinformation and deal with common regional issues. It builds on the achievements of the Balkan Voices project to encourage the participation of high school students and journalism students in an informed and inclusive regional dialogue.
Project beneficiaries
- High school students and journalism students
- Trainers, secondary school teachers and local journalism school teachers
- Active bloggers
Files to download
Strengthening media and information literacy for young audiences
- Interactive training in fact-checking, source analysis and understanding media biases;
- Content production workshops to allow young people to participate in a competition organised as part of the Printemps de la Francophonie (Francophone Spring).
Northern Macedonia: how to teach French while supporting media education?
Giving young people a voice – journalism workshops and regional competition in the Western Balkans
Combating disinformation: Summer University on Fact-Checking unites journalists from the Western Balkans
Refresher on professional practices for future journalists
The introduction of summer schools, master classes and study visits for journalism students and teachers in journalism schools, on topics such as the environment, gender and the European integration of the Western Balkan countries.
Balkans: join the Summer University on Fact-Checking and Source Verification!
Talmil Platform update
Updating and enriching the content of the Talmil online platform, which serves as an educational resource for young people by providing verified information and encouraging responsible use of social media.