Terra Media

Launched in 2015 to coincide with the Paris Climate Conference, the Media 21 project worked extensively with media organisations in Eastern Africa and South-East Asia to help them further incorporate climatic, ecological and environmental issues into their editorial policies.
The work produced made it possible, in particular, to raise local populations' awareness of matters relating to global warming.
The Terra Media project, which this time is focusing solely on Madagascan radio stations, follows on from this initiative. It aims to build on the knowledge that was developed during the Media 21 project, while at the same time perfecting the technical skills of the journalists taking part, especially as regards digital audio editing, reporting techniques and the production of magazine shows.
All the issues covered will tie in with the four major Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), namely combating climate change, managing marine resources, improving health and well-being, and increasing food security.
Project beneficiaries
Journalists working at 10 local radio stations in Madagascar
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Updating journalists’ knowledge of climate change to fall in line with the Sustainable Development Goals
Six days of meetings with researchers, NGOs and groups to bring journalists up to speed on climate change and the SDGs most impacted by it.
Radio stations in Madagascar mobilise efforts against climate change
Workshops for perfecting radio editing techniques
Six days of training for honing digital audio radio editing techniques: to gain the fundamental knowledge of a digital audio editing station (editing, insertion of effects, automation, etc.) on dedicated software. Sound recording during reporting will also be on the agenda.
Terra Media: Reporting from the Deep South of Madagascar
Providing radio stations with better production equipment
Each radio station will receive a €1,500 grant which they can use to bring their production equipment up to standard, depending on their identified priorities (computers, mobile recording devices, telephone interfaces, etc.).
Editorial supervision and remote monitoring of radio programmes
Two 12-day sessions will be organised to enable journalists working for local radio station to enhance their interviewing and reporting techniques and improve the ways in which they produce magazine shows aimed at informing the wider population about the topics covered by the project. The sessions will be organised by province, and will focus on the most important issues facing the local area.
Training support and editorial supervision will also be provided remotely by a local coordinator and the French expert who previously led the skill-building sessions.
A competition rewarding the best broadcasts
The project will end with a competition to identify the three best radio productions. The winning journalists will receive a range of prizes both for themselves and their radio stations, such as laptops and digital recording equipment.
Training courses in management and onsite coaching for the beneficiary radio stations
Three sessions will be held to enable the directors of the radio stations to perfect their team leadership, management and marketing techniques and engage as much as possible with the local community.