Initiated in 2011 by US President Barack Obama, the Open Government Partnership (OGP) is a supra-national structure that in 2018 encompassed some 75 countries and hundreds of civil society organisations (CSOs) advocating reforms leading to transparent governance and active involvement by citizens in promoting joint public action.
The involvement of French-speaking countries in Africa in the OGP is to date still limited, but the process is stimulating increasing interest. Burkina Faso joined Côte d'Ivoire and Tunisia at the 2016 Global Summit in Paris. Morocco joined the OGP in April 2018, and Guinea and Senegal are close to becoming eligible for membership.
In these countries, both traditional and new media (digital terrestrial TV, online press, social media, etc.) play an essential role in raising public awareness of OGP initiatives, providing information about OGP projects and promoting support. Accountability, a hot topic amongst citizens' aspirations, has become a driving force behind public policies.
PAGOF's purpose is to mentor stakeholders and monitor reforms in Burkina Faso, Tunisia and Côte d'Ivoire, and also in recently accepted countries (Morocco) and countries on the brink of membership (front-runners like Guinea and Senegal), in the definition and implementation of priority actions. It further aims to provide information and support in countries that are close to becoming eligible for membership (Benin, Haiti, Mauritius, Madagascar and the like) and to promote exchanges between these stakeholders.
Project beneficiaries
- Civil society organisations (including the media and the digital community)
- Governmental authorities, which benefit from an active advocacy campaign and strengthening of their open governance capacities
- Citizens, who can access reliable information and relevant tools enabling them to take part in promoting joint public action
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Creation of country-by-country actions (Tunisia, Côte d’Ivoire and Burkina Faso)
- Technical implementation support and/or supplying open data to the government portal at national level.
- Support for the creation of areas for discussion between CSOs and authorities within the media (cross-media), extending out to the regions.
- Technological diversification of information channels and strengthening capabilities and editorial content in the media.
Côte d'Ivoire:
- Support for creating an OGP-CSO platform via awareness-raising initiatives amongst other competent CSOs.
- Strengthening of capabilities for monitoring implementation of the National Action Plan (NAP).
- Support for the creation of targeted "open democracy" media incubators.
- Support for the creation of areas for discussion between CSOs and authorities within the media (cross-media), extending out to the regions.
Burkina Faso:
- Support for the setting-up and strengthening of the CSO platform.
- Strengthening of capabilities for CSO monitoring implementation of the NAP.
- An OGP information and awareness-raising campaign (media, CSOs, authorities).
#PAGOF: selection of participants
#PAGOF: registration open for the Tunis regional seminar
In Burkina Faso, workshops held to boost citizen involvement in local commune management
Burkina Faso develops its second National Action Plan
#PAGOF: second regional seminar in Abidjan on 5 and 6 November
#PAGOF webinar - Save The Date
#PAGOF: A group of Ivorian journalists trained in investigative and data journalism
Honing investigative and data journalism skills in Côte d’Ivoire
Workshops to raise awareness of the principles of open government resume in Côte d’Ivoire
Mapping COVID cases in Côte d’Ivoire using open data
On the path to developing a third National Action Plan (NAP) in Burkina Faso
Support for a regional campaign promoting OGP membership (countries close to becoming eligible)
- Organisation of an annual regional seminar (in June 2018, in Tunis): the pooling of experience in the field and the sharing of good practices in promoting joint construction of the NAP and implementation of OGP commitments.
- Drafting of a practical guide to the OGP for the authorities and civil society.
- Invitation of small CSO delegations to regional seminars in countries that are already members.