Faso Media

The role of civil society in the hasty departure of President Blaise Compaoré marked both a crisis of confidence and a weariness on the part of the Burkinabe people vis-à-vis their leaders and institutions.
If faith in politics is to be restored, there must be new bases for dialogue between candidates and citizens to offer programmes in line with the concerns of the people.
Aware of their impact on democratic life, the media must also however consolidate their role alongside the new decision-makers and citizens. A legacy of the previous political regime, a degree of self-censorship and moderation in the coverage of political news limit the media's contribution to the debate. Their influence and credibility are further weakened by their precarious economic state, management problems and high staff turnover.
This project therefore aims to help the media to consolidate their role and place the public interest and the concept of accountability of governments to voters at the heart of the debate once again. Strengthening editorial and managerial skills, making the most of local information, relaying citizen expectations and involving Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) are the areas of primary focus.
The project is carried out in partnership with:
- Le Balai citoyen
- Centre d'Information, de Formation et d'Études sur le Budget (CIFOEB)
- Le Mouvement Burkinabé des Droits de l'Homme et des Peuples (MBDHP)
- Le secrétariat permanent des ONG (SPONG)
- Le Groupe d'Études et de Recherches sur la Démocratie et le Développement Économique et Social en Afrique (GERDDES)
- Le Laboratoire de la citoyenneté
- Le Centre pour la gouvernance démocratique (CGD)
- Le Centre Africa Obota
- Le Réseau Afrique Jeunesse
- L'Association Monde rural (AMR)
- L'Association Nodde Nooto (A2N)
Project beneficiaries
17 local radio stations (public and private, regional), national television and private television channels, the written press, online media, as well as several Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in Burkina Faso.
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Reflecting on the role of the media in democratic life through the organisation of a seminar involving the media, researchers, politicians and civil society organisations
A first seminar based on participation and collaboration, focusing on the role of the media in democratic life, bringing researchers, CSOs, academics and other experts together with the media.
The media are encouraged to not only deliver information but also to present a comparison of the political choices on offer so as to make them accessible to all citizens.
After this first stage, several training sessions are held on the various techniques for covering an election: topical debates, interviews, polls, awareness programmes, interactivity, etc.
Citizen-journalist training course held in Burkina Faso
Large media gathering in Burkina Faso
One year on from its launch, the first Faso Media review
Involving CSOs in training programmes to consolidate the media-CSO collaboration
In addition to the active participation of CSOs in each of the journalistic training sessions and project initiatives, recommendations for media-CSO relations have been made by the management of partner radio stations and of CSOs. They represent commitments undertaken by both parties and should enhance relations between them, helping them consider one another as working for development and striving for common goals.
Two Smockey Concerts Broadcast on Burkina Faso’s Airwaves
Strengthening, through practical training, the editorial and journalistic skills of the media in the treatment of political information and preparing the media and their editorial staff for coverage of the elections
Media selected for their desire and determination to cover the elections independently and professionally benefit from support in situ.
The support provided focuses on establishing the method of election coverage and strengthening the skills of editorial staff.
Burkina Faso newspapers join the Faso Media project
In-depth training for Burkina Faso’s radio stations
Giving people their say on interactive programmes on Burkinan radio
Shedding light on televised debate programmes in Burkina Faso
FasoMedia FM is launched, providing coverage of the upcoming elections across 60 radio stations!
FasoMedia FM – Bring on the election!
Municipal elections in Burkina Faso: mobilisation of private television channels
The dissemination of political and general interest information is encouraged in the media before, during and after the election period
Through different formats such as magazines or the survey, journalists put more emphasis on the concerns of citizens in their subjects.
Strengthening managerial skills at the radio stations
A selection of radio stations will benefit from a development plan, mini-training sessions and follow-up for implementation of the recommendations made during the in situ needs analysis missions.
Training sessions on team management, marketing and social mobilisation in local radio are offered to station managers.
Faso Media strengthens the management teams of its radio partners
Feedback on project actions.