Radio Dialogue: radio stations for peace

Given the key role played by radio in social cohesion and inter-community dialogue, RFI (Radio France Internationale, part of France Média Monde), CFI and the URPCI are working with local radio stations to help them play their part in the reconciliation process and the prevention of conflict.
With this in mind, "Radio Dialogue" is helping to strengthen management skills within radio stations, assisting them in the production of magazine programmes focusing on the peace process and the prevention of inter-community tensions, and encouraging the exchange of programmes within the network.
This project also aims to strengthen the management and network coordination capabilities of URPCI, to enable it to better represent the interests of its members at national level.
Project beneficiaries
- 16 local radio stations
- 10 civil society organisations
- 3 coaches
- 4 local journalist-trainers
- Union des Radios de Proximité de Côte d'Ivoire (URPCI), the national union of local radio stations
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Strengthening the inter-community management and running of 16 local radio stations
Strengthening the inter-community management and running of 16 local radio stations
A local team of three management coaches is being trained.
Station managers and the three coaches attend:
- 2 training seminars on team management
- 1 training session on management and marketing in local radio.
- 1 training session on social mobilisation in local radio.
32 missions involving in situ analysis and coaching.
Radio stations are encouraged to put in place mechanisms for inter-community participatory management to set an example..
This component is run by CFI, in partnership with URPCI.
Radio Dialogue: radio stations for peace
Improvement of skills for the design and production of topical radio programmes
A local team of four journalist-trainers is established to help radio stations to design and produce awareness-raising magazine shows, interactive programmes and discussions on reconciliation and easing tensions between communities.
Journalists from the radio stations attend:
- 6 sessions of training on the production of magazine programmes for raising awareness
- 3 sessions on presenting interactive programmes and discussions
This component is run by RFI.
Organisation of seminars with civil society organisations
Strengthening the inter-community management and running of 16 local radio stations
A local team of three management coaches is being trained.
Station managers and the three coaches attend:
- 2 training seminars on team management
- 1 training session on management and marketing for local radio
- 1 training session on social mobilisation in local radio.
32 missions involving in situ analysis and coaching.
Radio stations are encouraged to put in place mechanisms for inter-community participatory management to set an example.
This component is run by CFI and RFI, in partnership with URPCI.
Support for and development of URPCI
RFI, in partnership with URPCI, is improving equipment within radio stations and facilitating the production and exchange of programmes between stations.
In parallel, strengthening URPCI's capacities in association management and network coordination will enable it to provide better support for the development of its members. Lobbying at national level seeks to improve legislation on local radio, especially as regards regulation.
This component is run by CFI, in partnership with URPCI.