Reducing the damaging impact of disinformation in the Arab world
MédiaLab Francophonie
Journalism students cover the XIXth Francophonie Summit
Independent media in the Mediterranean 2
Strengthening the structure of the independent media network in the Arab world
Supporting French-speaking African countries with their reforms in connection with the Open Government Partnership (OGP).
Intajat Jadida
Supporting the innovation strategy of the audiovisual sector in the Maghreb
Tunisian media support programme
Citizen Connections 2
Encouraging the emergence of digital citizen-action projects in French speaking Africa
Dialogues Migrations
Changing the portrayal of migration
Ama Baad 2
Online meetings and resources to adapt journalistic practices to developmental issues
Youth in Action
Ama Baad
Online meetings and resources to adapt journalistic practice to the Covid-19 health crisis
MediaLab Environment
Environmental journalism in the Mediterranean