Safir is an ambitious programme for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the economic inclusion of young people in nine countries in North Africa and the Middle East. Supported by the European Union, its aim is to create an environment conducive to the civic engagement of young people and to encourage the development of projects with a social, cultural and environmental impact.
The programme is based on three pillars: support for more than 1,000 young project leaders, the structuring and development of a regional network of support actors and the creation of spaces for dialogue between young people and public authorities.
Safir offers candidates support sessions at the various stages of development of their entrepreneurial, media or associative project by relying on a network of local incubators recognised for their expertise. Funding will also be allocated to the most ambitious and successful projects.
This long-term initiative aims to create an environment conducive to the development of sustainable and economically viable projects. To that end, it provides higher education institutions, local incubators and civil society organisations with the means to accompany the young actors supported by the project in the region on the road towards excellence.
As part of the Safir project, CFI will provide more specific support to young people who wish to develop projects in the media sector. Over time, 15 media projects will be selected and will benefit from financial support.
This project is carried out by a consortium of partners: the Institut Français (leader), CFI, the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, the Arab NGO Network for Development, Pitchworthy (Lebanon) and the Lab'ESS (Tunisia).
Project beneficiaries
- 1,000 young project leaders (social and media enterprises) in 9 countries
- 18 higher education institutions
- 7 local incubators
- 20 civil society organisations
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Creation, structuring and development of a regional network of support actors
- Creation and leadership of a regional network of innovative entrepreneurship support structures (SAEI): pooling and sharing of good practices, collective meetings and monthly online meetings;
- Support and subsidies for the creation or consolidation of innovative spaces within 18 higher education institutions that are to join the SAEI network;
- Pooling of good practices and standardisation of advocacy training methodologies for 21 CSOs;
- Support for 4 regional youth-related events to strengthen peer exchange on a regional level.
Safir : launch of the first calls for applications
The Safir network expands with the arrival of new members
Nine universities join the Safir community
Safir: the seven “incubators” trained in media mentoring
Creating a space for dialogue and consultation
- Regional meeting on youth participation, bringing together all project beneficiaries, local authorities and policy makers, project partners, experts, etc.;
- Multi-stakeholder workshops on the topic of "youth participation in the realisation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)" and the invitation of 20 young people to take part in the work of the Arab Forum for Sustainable Development;
- The "Responsible Initiative Prize" highlighting a successful partnership between young people and local authorities;
- Realisation of a study on culture as a vector of democratisation.
CFI specifically supports young people wishing to develop projects in the media sector. 8 media projects have been selected and receive financial support.
CFI will organise the final event that will bring together all the beneficiaries in Paris in the autumn of 2023.
Eight media projects chosen by Safir
The Safir programme is brought to a close with three days of meetings and debates in Paris
Support and funding for more than 1,000 young leaders of impact projects
- Local workshops to develop a project idea (social enterprise, media) with a social and/or environmental focus for 450 young people. Strengthening competences in defining projects and creating an economic model;
- Incubation of 90 project leaders;
- Acceleration measure with financial support for 45 of those project leaders;
- Advocacy training for 630 young people, particularly for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).