Focused studies in the Arab world show that young people want to play a more active role in the media. They are turning increasingly to social and online media, which offer them greater opportunities for interaction and content publication.
D-Jil aims at providing young people in the Arab world enhanced access to information, a broader grounding in media topics and increased political and citizen-led involvement in society. D-Jil is run by a consortium of partners with the following members: Samir Kassir Foundation (Liban), IREX Europe (France), FMAS (Morocco) et Leaders of Tomorrow (Jordan) and is co-funded by the European Union.
D-Jil is designed for those developing digital news content of interest to young people (particularly young women) and those wishing to enhance their skills by consolidating their working methods, enriching their content and providing new technical skills.
Project beneficiaries
- Applicants developing digital news content (bloggers' or citizen-journalist groups, online radio stations, online media, information platforms, etc.)
- Traditional private media making the transition to digital (radio and TV stations, printed media, press agencies, etc.)
- Associations and NGOs already active in the promotion of the media, cultural centres, or civil-society organisations keen to develop a higher online profile, all targeting young people.
Files to download
"Exchange" of good practices
Exchange of good practices for online programmes and interactive tools are fostered at regional level between the beneficiaries particularly through the organisation of a conference dedicated to media and young people.
D-Jil Hackathon: a first weekend of competition
First incubator session for D-Jil winners
D-Jil supports new projects
Al Hurreya: the platform that values freedoms
D-Jil: Fourth incubator session for 18 ambitious and innovative projects
Fundraising, networking and partnerships on the agenda for D-JiI beneficiaries
Final D-Jil meeting
"Engage" media and civil society
Ten projects that will bring together media and civil society, provide young people with enhanced access to information, a broader grounding in media topics, and increased political and citizen-led involvement in society are selected and financed. Seven education workshops on media are organised for young people that are involved in citizen-led plattforms.
She’s got something to say: woman as woman’s best ally
Mégaphone: an alternative Lebanese media outlet at the heart of the 2019 revolution
Al Hudood, satire as an antidote to censorship
"Realize" the selection and the funding of 10 innovative online projects
Ten Innovative online programmes/platforms/ reflecting the challenges of real interest to young people (individual freedoms, equality, religion, health, sport, and culture) in different languagues (in Arabic, Arabic dialects, Berber languages, French and English) are selected, financed and coached throughout the project.
Call for projects: D-Jil : Innovate and create online media content for young people
D-Jil: 30 projects pre-selected from 250 applications
The 10 winners of the D-Jil project
D-Jil – A successful call for applications
D-Jil: 30 projects pre-selected from 250 applications
The 8 winners of the D-Jil project
AhkiFree La Télé: Web TV for Tunisian youths
Wat Wat: a space for the Lebanese youth to express themselves
"Collect" the needs of young public
The needs of young people in the above mentioned countries are collected through audience feedback and studies issued from financed programmes. They are taken into account for the developement of innovative projects.