Independent media in the Mediterranean 2

The popular uprisings of 2011 in the Arab world have brought the issues of freedom of expression, press freedom and pluralism into the heart of public debate. A new generation of journalists has emerged from this turmoil, redefining the media landscape with the explosion of independent media and members of the public online.
Against this backdrop, from 2018 to 2021, Orient XXI and CFI launched the Independent Media in the Mediterranean project to train journalists and structure these new media. Building on the success of this project, Orient XXI decided to continue its efforts with CFI to consolidate this network. CFI will provide financial support to Orient XXI and will mobilise experts to deepen the knowledge of project beneficiaries on key journalistic issues.
Project beneficiaries
- 7 members of the media (editors, journalists)
- 75 editorial staff, including 30 journalists
Production of ambitious content
Production of ambitious content through editorial meetings, the creation of working groups, publication of content in three languages and a 20% increase in interaction with web users.
Training in data journalism for investigative reporting for three journalists from the Independent Media in the Mediterranean network
Organisation of annual meetings around major topics
Organisation of annual meetings around major topics, particularly in Tunisia and France: political discussion workshops, public meetings, editorial meetings on publication topics.