Horizons Shared (Component 3)

Strengthening youth engagement and journalist rofessionalism in Combating Disinformation in the Western Balkans

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Innovation MediaLab
Finished project

Innovation MediaLab

Supporting the creation of innovative content.

Finished project


Project in Support of Open Governments in French-speaking Africa

Finished project


Support youth-focused online media initiatives in the Arab world

SafirLab 2016-2018
Finished project

SafirLab 2016-2018

Aiding creators of change in the Arab world

OpenData Media
Finished project

OpenData Media

Training journalists and leaders of Civil Society Organisations to use and analyse open data relating to public initiatives.

Training in investigative journalism
Finished project

Training in investigative journalism

Sessions offering support and training in investigation and investigative techniques.

Shabab up! School
Finished project

Shabab up! School

Support for young people in two Maghreb countries through the modernisation of journalism training.

EBTICAR-Media – Support for innovative online media
Finished project

EBTICAR-Media – Support for innovative online media

Support for the development and consolidation of online media in the Arab world through financial support for projects run by these media.

4M "Transition to online for Arabic-language newspapers"
Finished project

4M "Transition to online for Arabic-language newspapers"

Supporting five Arabic-language newspapers in the transition to online

Shabab Up! Radio
Finished project

Shabab Up! Radio

Support for youths in three Maghreb countries through the professional development of independent local radio stations.