Giving young people a voice – journalism workshops and regional competition in the Western Balkans Read News
Journalism and women's sport: will the Paris 2024 Games foster greater gender equality?

Journalism and women's sport: will the Paris 2024 Games foster greater gender equality?

The International Olympic Committee describes the biggest global sporting event of the year, which will take place in Paris this summer, as...

Statement: Greater commitment shown by France  to worldwide media development

Statement: Greater commitment shown by France to worldwide media development

World Press Freedom Day highlights the vital importance of the role played by journalists and also how important it is that journalists...

Tchad : grâce au numérique, les radios donnent de la voix aux défis environnementaux

Radio stations in Chad raise profile of environmental challenges using digital technology

On the banks of Lake Taba, a fisherman explains how climate change is affecting his job. In Moundou, a vegetable producer talks about how...

#ProjectInAction: 50 videos showing what it takes to work as a journalist in Iraq

#ProjectInAction: 50 videos showing what it takes to work as a journalist in Iraq

Do you speak Arabic and want to work as a journalist, which is considered to be “one of the most beautiful professions in the world”? These...

Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games: France Médias Monde and the commune of Île-Saint-Denis join forces for “Africa Station”

Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games: France Médias Monde and the commune of Île-Saint-Denis join forces for “Africa Station”

In just under 100 days, the people of France and the African continent will meet in an open-air space in the heart of Seine-Saint-Denis:...

CFI celebrates its 35th birthday!

CFI celebrates its 35th birthday!

CFI officially launched as an international programme database on 17 April 1989. Its role has changed several times since then, but its...

Applications are open for Voices in Exile, a new support programme for journalists and media professionals in exile

Applications are open for Voices in Exile, a new support programme for journalists and media professionals in exile

CFI, Reporters Without Borders (RWB), SINGA and the Maison des journalistes (MDJ) are launching Voices in Exile (“Voix en exil”), a new...

RFI Clubs supporting young people in Chad

RFI Clubs supporting young people in Chad

Chad has not escaped the scourge of misinformation and the spread of misleading information is polluting public debate and undermining...

CFI Paris Médias 2024

CFI launches its Paris Médias 2024 (Paris Media 2024) project at the International Agora for Journalism in Tours

At the 17th International Agora for Journalism in Tours, CFI, a partner of the event, announced the launch of its new Paris Médias 2024 proj...

Un forum pour lutter contre la désinformation en Ouzbékistan

A forum for combating misinformation in Uzbekistan

In preparation for the Forum of Journalists of Central Asia, due to be held on 6 to 8 May 2024, CFI travelled to Tashkent from 11 to 14...

One for all and all for one!

One for all and all for one!

Intajat Jadida Intajat Jadida has given a lot of attention to female original content producers, but men are also taking on equality issues...

Intajat Jadida uncovers 21 new editorial gems

Intajat Jadida uncovers 21 new editorial gems

Intajat Jadida draws to a close. The closing workshop for this two-year CFI pilot project brought together content creators from Tunisia...