Togo Media

After rapid development in the 1990s, the Togolese media must now address the challenge of becoming more professional. This priority – expressed by all those working in the sector at the media convention in 2014 – is already becoming reality, through a series of legislative and regulatory reforms.
Media skills training centres are also playing a key role in fostering professionalism. There are currently two public training centres specialising in the media in Togo: the Institute for Arts, Communication and Information Sciences ( ISICA, University of Lomé), which in particular awards Bachelor's degrees in journalism, and the Centre for Training and Retraining in Communication (CFRC, Ministry of Communication), which provides modules for continuing professional development.
In 2018, the French Embassy in Togo and the Togolese Ministry of Communication, Culture, Sports and Civic Training joined forces to launch a programme to provide training and support for the audiovisual and media sector in Togo: PROFAMED-Togo. The programme aims to help Togolese media organisations and those working in the Togolese media to become more professional, in order to support the consolidation of democracy and the rule of law. It is being funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE), via the Solidarity Fund for Innovative Projects, Civil Society, the Francophone Community and Human Development (FSPI), for a period of two years.
There are four elements to the programme:
- supporting the provision of a legislative and regulatory framework for the press;
- implementing a 2-year, Bachelor's degree-level training programme in journalism at the ISICA;
- implementing a range of 'free choice' training courses with certification for media professionals, at the CFRC;
- improving the quality, neutrality and objectivity of the Togolese media.
CFI is playing a part in the third element of the programme, through the Médias Togo (Togo Media) project, to develop a range of training courses with the CFRC and offer training for the Centre's local training partners, in order to ensure that the range of training courses provided remains viable in the long term.
Project beneficiaries
- Togolese journalists
- Journalism trainers
- Educational officer at the CFRC
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Providing of training for trainers in the basic principles of journalism - Initial session
- Initial training for twelve Togolese trainers in the basic principles of journalism, incorporating the basics of teaching design (including active learning methods), through practical exercises;
- Targeted transfer of expertise in teaching design to a permanent CFRC team member, who will also benefit from the training for trainers;
- Assessment of the beneficiaries and formulation of recommendations for the beneficiaries and CFI.
Remote educational mentoring for each beneficiary
- Remote project supervision and educational mentoring for each participant in the formulation and preparation of their first training module on the basic principles of journalism;
- Assessment of the beneficiaries and formulation of recommendations for the beneficiaries and CFI.
Providing of training for trainers in the basic principles of journalism - Advanced session
- Further training in the basic principles of journalism for the twelve Togolese trainers who already attended the first training session;
- Personalised appraisal of the work undertaken remotely;
- Targeted transfer of expertise in teaching design to a permanent CFRC team member, who will also benefit from the training for trainers;
- Assessment of the beneficiaries and formulation of recommendations for the beneficiaries and CFI;
- Creation of a final, ready-to-use version of the training course on the basic principles of journalism for the CFRC.
Supervising the implementation of the training courses on the basic principles of journalism
- Active supervision of the implementation of the training course on the basic principles of journalism by those who participated in the training for trainers;
- Assessment of the trainers and end beneficiaries of the training course on the basic principles of journalism and formulation of recommendations for the beneficiaries and CFI.
Supporting journalists to develop magazines in Togo
Participation in one-off events during field assignments with project partners (Institut Français, ISICA, etc.)
Running of workshops, conferences and training sessions with project partners, intended for the general public or a specialist audience.