Images of Africa

In the wake of the Images of Africa project implemented by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development between 2003 and 2009, there was strong demand from local stakeholders in terms of training and enhancing the professional skills of trainers and teaching teams. Indeed, with little local support, establishments offering training in cinema and audiovisual careers in sub-Saharan African were struggling to train a new generation of professionals.
With the aim of assisting artistic creation and diversity, the Images of Africa training program provides support for two years to seven training structures selected for their regional focus and financial autonomy.
The training programme should ultimately enable the establishments to attain educational autonomy by strengthening the skills of local trainers, and should help to enhance the teaching offered by the training centres where these trainers work.
Project beneficiaries
Seven training centres in sub-Saharan Africa in the field of cinema and the audiovisual arts:
- Institut Supérieur de l'Image et du Son (ISIS), Burkina Faso
- National Film and Television Institute (NAFTI), Ghana
- Institut de Formation aux techniques de l'Image et de la communication (IFTIC), Niger
- South African School of Motion Picture (AFDA), South Africa
- Institut international de perfectionnement et de formation continue (IMAGINE), Burkina Faso
- Blue Nile Film and Television Academy (BNFTA), Ethiopia
- Institut Supérieur de Formation aux métiers du Cinéma et de l'Audiovisuel (ISCAC), Cameroon
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Initiatives undertaken prior to 2015
In November 2013, a launch seminar was held in Ouagadougou for the management of all the beneficiary institutions to discuss and implement a 2-year action plan (2014-2016) that would meet the common needs identified.
Since February 2014, a number of regional initiatives have been undertaken, with the expert assistance of guest speakers and industry professionals, both French and African:
- Group training workshop "Governance, organisation and Management", 13 to 17 February 2014, at Institut Imagine, Ouagadougou (session led by Professor Linus Abraham, director of Nafti in Ghana, Vincent Melilli, director of Esav Marrakech)
- Group training workshop "Memory, preservation and enhancement of audiovisual archives", 5 to 13 May 2014, at Nafti, Accra (session led by Thierry Roland, L'atelier des Archives)
- Group training workshop on teaching film direction, 7 to 26 July 2014, in Paris, France (session led by guest speakers and trainers from the Cours Florent and Laurent Firode, director)
- Group training workshop "Teaching methodology in film schools", 16 to 21 September 2014, at AFDA, Johannesburg. This training initiative was held alongside the CARA conference (African Regional Association of the Centre International de Liaison des Ecoles de Cinéma et de Télévision), which was held under the theme "Translating and integrating the expertise of industry professionals into teaching and learning for careers in cinema" (session led by Gina Bonmariage, head of teaching at Afda, South Africa)
- Group training workshop "Writing and directing of shorts on micro-technology", from 16 to 26 February 2015, at Institut Imagine in Ouagadougou (session led by Benoît Labourdette, French director and producer)
Images of Africa Training Programme: A Workshop on Memory and the Development of Archives
Johannesburg: reflecting on film education in Africa
From 2015, training will focus on the following aspects
- improving the marketing of schools,
- support for the establishment of processes for the evaluation of courses and curricula
- support for the structuring of some courses: artistic language and editing, sets, costumes and make-up, "production management" industry