Training for African coaches and trainers
The end of state broadcasting monopolies in Africa has led to the deregularisation of the sector and the emergence of many private radio stations and TV channels.
Among these media, local radio stations, who reach out to a wide audience, often fulfil a public service role. As a forum for dialogue and an essential vector of information, they play a fundamental part in the lives of rural populations in particular. However, their potential is limited owing to a lack of training among managers and the problems faced in accessing sources of revenue. These stations thus require support in terms of management and economic viability, in addition to more traditional journalism training.
Management coaches, who can evaluate the needs of radio stations and provide training in situ, are thus being trained to help these vital vectors of pluralism and freedom of speech. This project carries on and builds upon the work undertaken as part of "Plan Radio Afrique" funded by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development from 2007 to 2011.
In parallel, training is offered to trainers on the subject of journalism in the areas of politics and health. These themes were selected with reference to the issues currently affecting society (a year in which election issues were very much in the news and the Ebola outbreak) and their significance for the public.
Project beneficiaries
Coaches in the management of local radio stations, radio journalists who provide training in political journalism and radio journalists who provide training in health journalism.
Files to download
Identification and selection of new coaches and trainers
Call for applications and selection of trainers, on the basis of their CV and an interview, in conjunction with CFI's local partners
Seminar aimed at strengthening the skills of coaches coming from the Plan Radio Afrique project
The seminar focuses on four areas:
- social mobilisation and strengthening the roots of radio stations in communities
- association management
- management, marketing and sales strategy of local radio
- programme scheduling
Training for new coaches in management
This consists of a training session on techniques for needs analysis and coaching in the management of a local radio station.
The purpose of this session is to give future coaches the tools and methodology they require to be able to prepare and perform, by themselves, needs analyses and coaching in situ. Following the initial training, trainees run two coaching sessions in situ at two radio stations, lasting 10 days, under the supervision of the trainer coach.
Training of trainers in political journalism and election coverage
This session is for journalists, to enable them to in turn train their colleagues in political journalism, election coverage and the inclusion in radio programmes of issues affecting society.
Training of trainers in health journalism
Journalist-trainers receive more specific training, over a 2 week period, in leading training sessions on the production of information and health prevention programmes.