
In recent years, the Sahel region has experienced a series of multifaceted, overlapping and worsening crises. One of the factors behind this fragility is the sense of neglect, injustice and marginalisation felt by part of the Sahel's youth, with the under-30s representing about 65% of the population.
This crisis, which is sweeping across the entire Sahel-Saharan belt, cannotbe resolved without making young people feel more included in social and political circles. In this respect, the media have an important role to play by offering young people forums for expressing their opinions and promoting dialogue between citizens, civil society representatives and the authorities.
Through the media, the MediaSahel project is helping to increase youth inclusion, foster stabilisation and establish democracy in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger. A scheme for supporting production has been planned to run during the 48-month-long project. In addition to nationwide initiatives, a regional dimension will make it easier to broadcast news and promote dialogue between those three countries, with the focus being placed on shared problems and solutions, and content being offered in local languages.
Project beneficiaries
Media professionals (radio stations, websites), bloggers, young people, civil society and local authorities representatives in the three countries.
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Strengthening the capabilities of the media
> Encouraging young people to take part in interactive shows and get involved in the production of content;
> Training local trainers in journalism;
> Strengthening the skills of media professionals: the fundamentals of professional journalism, journalism that is sensitive to conflict and gender, interactive shows engaging young people, discussion shows, encouraging representatives of the State and of civil society organisations to take part in discussion shows and raising their awareness;
> Aiding the development of media outlets or new formats created by young people;
> Providing training courses on new interactive formats for the internet;
> Supporting media management teams;
> Raising the awareness of the media, regulatory bodies and civil society organisations on the issues relating to fake news and the verification of facts.
Getting to know the Nigerien youth better... in order to better support them!
How can we improve youth inclusion with the help of the media?
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MediaSahel, results 2019
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The “Pas2Quartier” programme expands across Africa
Improved monitoring and evaluation within MediaSahel project team
Consultation workshops in Bamako and Niamey for media discussions
Three youth broadcasting projects in the Sahel region
“Identifying the cornerstones of the profession”: training in the basic principles of journalism in Sahel
Gender issues for MédiaSahel’s radio partners
Gender and conflict on the agenda at MediaSahel’s partner radio stations
Management training for radio station managers in the Sahel
With reusable bottles and a cooler for training sessions: MediaSahel is taking a more environmentally-friendly approach
New content to amplify young Sahelian voices
MediaSahel provides its partners with equipment
Walde Ejef: a symbol of media resilience in a conflict zone
“Judges” to assess the quality of radio productions
Public talk shows to resolve or prevent conflict
Progress made in the consideration of gender issues by African radio stations, but there is still more work to be done!
The wonders of youth
Listeners' clubs: the power of community radio stations
The resilient journey of Boubakary Abdoulaye
Winning radio stations of MediaSahel contest receive their prizes
Involving MediaSahel stakeholders in the development of the project's phase 2
“Together, we can contribute to the development of Mali”
Fatoumata Ongoiba: a radio host advocating for the rights of children
Supporting the production of content created by and for young people
> The production of news and debate programmes aimed at the young, focusing on both national and international issues, in the local languages of the priority areas and in cross-border languages (unifying languages);
> The production of content that is both entertaining and educational, focusing on international issues, in the main languages and in cross-border languages;
> Supporting the local production of interactive content and discussion shows, in French and/or in local languages;
> National competitions on new interactive and discussion formats, with production grants being awarded to three winners over the course of a year.