Three winners for the second cycle of Intajat Jadida

Three winners for the second cycle of Intajat Jadida

On 28 February 2024, a panel of Intajat Jadida judges presented awards to three of the project's participants in recognition of their cultural and educational pilots, which they had produced following five months of coaching.

Best Pilot Award:

Aymen Gooba, independent content creator and founder of Laiman production (Gabes, Tunisia) for Musiques enfouies, dedicated to preserving the musical heritage of Tunisia.
Video format - 15-minute episode released on his Youtube LaimanProd channel.

The idea behind Musiques enfouies ('buried music') is to go and explore hidden places and share wonderful, undiscovered music. It is important to archive this oral heritage.

Read his profile.


Panel Favourite Award

Manar Sadki, content creator at Meknech Production (Casablanca, Morocco) for her pilot, Toilettes de femmes (Women’s Toilets), which focuses on female empowerment.
Video format - 4-minute episode to be posted on social media.

Ordinary, invisible girls told their difficult, personal stories.

Read her profile.

Crédit photo : Amine Mouelhi

Panel Special Award:

Adel Alimi, content creator for the Tunisie Bondy blog (Gafsa, Tunisia) for his pilot Le Tasfih, the first episode of the Sur le mur series for young viewers, which aims to address misinformation.

The French name of this series is 'Sur le mur' (On the wall), because if we are unable to check a piece of information, or if it is toxic, it must not be allowed to pass through the wall!

Read his profile.


Two experts sat on the panel: Journalist and Head of Video at Obs magazine (France), Mélody Locard; and founder of Campus Mag and former CEO of the Jawjab platform (Morocco), Youssef Ziraoui.

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