Strengthening some 30 local radio stations in Burkina Faso

Strengthening some 30 local radio stations in Burkina Faso

In Burkina Faso, local radio stations play a real public service role. Over the summer, UNALFA and CFI led several initiatives for their benefit.

From 13 to 17 July 2021, Hyacinthe Sanou (an investigative journalist) led a training session on documentary research and efficient use of the internet and social media. 40 journalists learned how to find economic information on reliable websites and sort through the data efficiently.

More specifically, the radio journalists got to grips with using social media to maintain contact with their online users.

The second five-day training session, from 5 to 10 July, focused specifically on enhancing skills in infographics. Supervised by Marianne Bouchart (Director of the NGO HEI-DA, expert in data journalism, computer graphics designer and investigative journalist), 20 attendees (journalists and computer graphics designers) were able to improve their skills and knowledge in this area. The aim was to teach the participants how to gather quality data and present it in the form of a graphic so as to make it attractive. 

Finally, from 12 to 23 July, journalists from 10 economic media outlets strengthened their budgetary skills in “understanding and monitoring local/national budgets”. 

Led by Gastion Sawadogo (editor-in-chief of L’Événement, investigative and data journalist) and supported by CERAFP (the centre for study and applied research in public finance), the initial session on the fundamentals of budget management was complemented from a more journalistic angle.
The aim was to conduct a survey on a specific budget topic. 

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