Talk Paix


To enable media outlets to better produce objective, verified and inclusive information;
To consolidate the role of young people and civil society, alongside the media, as a bulwark against the production and circulation of false information and hate speech.
24 months months
10 mediasParticipating organizations

A project

Supported by

In partnership with


Cameroon has been feeling the effects of three humanitarian crises for several years: the displacements caused by violence in the Lake Chad Basin, the crisis in the North-West and South-West regions brought about by separatist forces and growing security concerns on the country’s eastern border due to the crisis in the Central African Republic.

In local crisis situations such as these, the media is very well placed to encourage dialogue between different groups and help resolve conflict. “Talk Paix” aims to train Cameroonian media professionals on how to produce reliable and verified information, as well as interactive content that promotes dialogue. It also introduces young members of civil society organisations to media education and digital citizenship.

Thanks to the training sessions, we learned how to choose relevant stories, to find the right angle and to draft articles in a simple way. We adopted the behaviours of a professional and committed journalist and learned that journalism today is focused on peace and solutions.
Ramatou Yaouba, journalist at Galaxie TV

Project beneficiaries

  • Senior editors, journalists and technical personnel from 10 Cameroonian media outlets
  • Young people from the crisis zones (the Far North Region and English-speaking regions)
  • Members of civil society organisations (CSOs) and of local authorities participating in consultation seminars with the media outlets
Project manager
Priscillia TSHIBUYI

Files to download

Talk Peace


Training on verifying information and on conflict-sensitive journalism

The topics covered will include the role of the media in preventing conflict, the safety and security of journalists and their sources, the fundamental ethics of journalism and techniques for verifying information.

Following these training sessions, the journalists will receive on-site support and take part in discussion seminars.

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