MediaSahel for Women

There are still many obstacles to gender equality in the media in the Sahel region. It remains the case that few women hold leadership roles and they are often marginalised when it comes to politics, business and similar key issues. This trend is also seen in the content that is produced and which sometimes does not reflect women’s needs and concerns.
Furthermore, current crises in the Sahel region cannot be resolved unless every group in society, and especially women, is involved through media provision of forums for self-expression.
Through the involvement of the media and CSOs, MédiaSahel pour Elles [MédiaSahel for Women] actively helps to consolidate the position of women as agents of change and social cohesion in three countries in the Sahel region: Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger.
Project beneficiaries
- 36 MédiaSahel project partner radio stations (managers, journalists, technical and administrative staff) and predominantly women;
- Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) active in the empowerment of women;
- Women involved in their local and national communities.
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Gender-sensitive journalism and management training
- Consolidation of the knowledge and skills held by 12 MédiaSahel trainers (4 per country) to train radio professionals on gender issues, and on-site support and remote coaching;
- Creation of a map of the CSOs involved;
- Public-speaking training for 36 CSO representatives (12 per country);
- Inclusive, gender-sensitive human resources management training for 24 media outlet directors/chief editors;
- Safe reporting and personal development training for 24 female journalists to help them gain professional recognition;
- Greater awareness of gender equality among editorial teams to promote a cohesive approach to working together;
- Support given to radio stations to help them create gender-sensitive pilot programmes.
Launch day for MédiaSahel pour Elles
To increase the influence of women in the media in Niger
Gender equality in the media: giving everyone their chance
Encouraging female journalists to become a "better version of themselves"
Reporting training: a new career step for female journalists
“With the insecurity, female journalists at my radio station have seen their role evolve”
Support for the production of content (in French and various national languages) that covers gender issues, women’s rights and the role that women play in peace processes and social cohesion
- Workshops that promote dialogue between media outlets and CSOs in order to develop adapted content;
- Support for the production and dissemination of gender-sensitive radio programmes in French and various national languages;
- Creation of an online directory of female specialists, available to the media outlets.