Media for One health

In South-East Asia, human and animal density levels are among the highest in the world. However, the pressure placed on the environment by society (deforestation, urbanisation and transport) coupled with the consequences of climate change (droughts, typhoons and floods) can have significant impacts on health. Increasing interactions between humans and animals as we encroach on their habitats significantly increase the epidemiological risk. This situation demands that, rather than continuing to segregate environmental, veterinary and medical issues, we develop a more comprehensive and holistic vision of health that takes account of the interdependence between the state of ecosystems, animal health and human health.
The concept of "One health" – also known as "One health" – was developed within the scientific community in the early 2000s with a view to promoting this approach. Researchers are working to identify and limit the risks in advance in order to better prevent future health crises. However, this "One health" approach is still largely unknown among the populations in question and by the media in South-East Asia. What little environmental information is provided there is often limited to simply reporting on natural disasters.
Media for One health boosts the knowledge and skills of media outlets in South-East Asia for the production and dissemination of information relating to the "One health" approach to allow them to achieve their aim of providing information and helping to prevent potential future crises.
Project beneficiaries
- Around fifty journalists in total, or four journalists from three media outlets per country
- 160 beneficiaries of the awareness raising days
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Awareness raising and training on the "One health" approach
- National awareness-raising seminars;
- In situ training modules for journalists;
- Ongoing online training;
- Creation of an online resources area with themed content;
- Field visit to Thailand for beneficiary media outlets.
Training journalists to decipher links between health and the environment
Vietnam: Media for One Health project launched in Hanoi
Cambodia : "Media for One Health" project launched in Phnom Penh
A training on the "One Health" approach for fourteen Cambodian journalists
Fourteen Filipino journalists trained in the "One Health" approach
Philippines: Media for One Health project launched in Manila
Laos: Media for One Health project launched in Vientiane
Twelve Journalists and Laotian Ministry of Information Representatives Trained in the "One Health" Approach
Twelve journalists and representatives from the Lao Ministry of Information are exploring the concept of "One Health" in Thailand
Tatine Faylona: shining a spotlight on big issues
Bounheng Southichak, a "naturally passionate" project coordinator
Try Thy, a hard-working project manager
Tu Tu Zaw Win, ambitious connection builder
Souliyo Sengngnam: Learning for better communication
Training in journalistic techniques aimed at tackling global health issues
- Mapping of the databases and data sources used to handle global health issues and initiation of their use for journalistic purposes;
- Training in investigative journalism and interview techniques;
- Training in fact checking methods and techniques with a view to combating misinformation in the areas of health and the environment;
- Training in mobile journalism for reporting;
- Training in social media management with a view to broadening and retaining audiences for global health issues.
Fabrice Turri, a project coordinator in search of fresh air
Pierre Gillette, a trainer at heart
“Nothing but the truth” for trainer, Vu Duc Khuynh
Support for the production of thematic content
Subsidies, support and production guidance.