Digital Readings

Just like their Arab-language counterparts, the French-language media in Lebanon are currently facing significant financial problems and an ageing readership. Nevertheless, the French-language press is highly valued by many in Lebanon who retain an attachment towards France and the French language. It has always been seen as a bastion of freedom, promoting the values of tolerance and openness towards others.
Launched in 2016, the Digital East project was already a measure aimed at supporting two of Lebanon's French-language titles (L'Orient-Le Jourand Magazine), helping them to adapt to the evolution of their environment. "Digital Readings" is designed to support a number of media outlets in Lebanon, which were selected after a call for applications, in structuring and modernizing their offering with a view to expanding their audience.
Project beneficiaries
Lebanon's French-language press.
Files to download
Group technical training courses and coaching for each media outlet
- Group training courses for teams focusing on photo, video, graphic (data visualisation) techniques and on developing an offering outside of standard media outlets (locations, partnerships, events).
- Focusing on the development of websites and apps, the challenge of interacting with the public, a participatory offering, marketing issues, monetisation of offerings and income development.
MediaLab Pro, a group of experts for the Lebanese media
Seminars and strategic mentoring
- Three working seminars (two in Lebanon, one in Paris), aimed at promoting synergy amongst Lebanon's French-language media.
- Strategic mentoring of the media to develop their French-language offering.
- An HR study focusing on the training, remuneration and recruitment of French-speaking journalists in Lebanon.
- Creation of a mini-website supported by a database of French-speaking Lebanese contributors/journalists that can be accessed by the recipient media.
Launch of Digital Readings in Beirut
“Yomkom” – a new current affairs source for young people in the Near East
Call for applications
To select the recipient French-language media in Lebanon.