Méditerranée : CFI et Orient XXI consolident un réseau de médias indépendants

Mediterranean: CFI and Orient XXI consolidate a network of independent media

Building on the success of the Independent Media in the Mediterranean project, running from 2018 to 2021, Orient XXI and CFI have decided to continue their collaboration to develop the networking of independent media in Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Tunisia with a second ambitious project: Independent media in the Mediterranean 2.

It was 2018: in March, Orient XXI, an online newspaper on the Arab world, the Muslim world and the Middle East, received funding from the French Development Agency (AFD) and CFI to launch its first media development project: Independent media in the Mediterranean. Over a four-year period, this project has led to the structuring of a network of media outlets in Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Tunisia, the development of independent news websites in the Arab world, the publication of joint surveys on a number of topics (economic journalism, journalism and migration, journalism and Arabic languages, etc.) and the creation of residencies between the teams to encourage the sharing of professional skills.

The project had helped to strengthen links between its members, who wanted to see the network consolidated through new activities and joint projects.

The assessment carried out at the end of this first phase, to be completed in 2021, highlighted the relevance and importance of the media network set up by Orient XXI and confirmed that the project had helped to strengthen links between its members, who wanted to see the network consolidated through new activities and joint projects.

Today, given the enthusiasm of all the project's stakeholders, Orient XXI has obtained new funding from AFD to launch a second phase of the project from 2023 to 2026. In addition, CFI has decided to award a grant to Orient XXI to enable it to carry out activities as part of the Independent Media in the Mediterranean 2 project.

CFI's support will make it possible to :

  • - Bring together all the editors-in-chief at the annual meeting scheduled for the end of September in Tunisia;
  • - Organise the residential hosting of two journalists for training in August;
  • - Supporting the production of content on topics defined jointly by network members, as illustrated in particular by the publication “Arab World. Mental health, a political issue”, whose articles have been published on the Orient XXI website since the end of June.

The project will run until December 2024.

To find out more:

Recent news from projects on the ground