Journalists taking part in the MediaLab Environment project report on the Assises du Journalisme conference in Tours, France

Journalists taking part in the MediaLab Environment project report on the Assises du Journalisme conference in Tours, France

The conference held in Tours in early October focused on the climate emergency and journalistic responsibility. As part of the MediaLab Environment project, eight journalists from Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan were given the chance to take part in and cover these discussions.

The Jordanian journalist Iman Al Farès covered the event for the weekly newspaper Al Ghad. She revisited various ideas discussed during the workshops and round tables, in particular the importance of the mediator role played by journalists by facilitating public access to research conducted by scientists working on environmental issues.

She also revisited the presentation of the study conducted by the consultancy firm OTE Research as part of the MediaLab Environment project, on the state of environmental journalism in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan. Iman Al Farès highlighted the point made in relation to the environmental issues covered by the media in North Africa and the Middle East, deploring the fact that the issue of water continues to receive relatively low coverage (only 22% of content), despite being a central, even critical, issue in the region, particularly in Jordan.

Iman Al Farès’ articles are published in Arabic on the Al Ghad website:الدولي-للصحافة-مزيد-من-المبادرات-لمو/



Meanwhile, the Tunisian journalist Oussama Bouchiba interviewed the conference director, Jérôme Bouvier, who reiterated the objectives of the 2021 session. He also announced that the Assises du journalisme conference in Tunis will be held in December 2021.
The video can be viewed on the TAP Facebook page.

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