Call for applications for "Desinfox Niger": contribute to reliable, objective and independent information in Niger

Call for applications for "Desinfox Niger": contribute to reliable, objective and independent information in Niger

Do you represent a Nigerien media outlet with an editorial fact-checking project? Do you want to get involved in combating misinformation and learn fact-checking techniques? The Desinfox Niger project is for you!

Over the course of one year, Desinfox Niger will help six written press, online or audio-visual media outlets in Niger to combat information tampering more effectively by helping them to develop their editorial projects on fact-checking.

The skill strengthening programme will take place between May 2023 and February 2024 and will include three training courses:
- A six-day basic fact-checking training course covering the techniques typically used to identify misinformation and verify facts (identification of reliable sources, cross-referencing etc.) and how to apply them in the context of digital information;
- A six-day training course on fact-checking narration, which aims to provide the beneficiaries with narration techniques that are suited to the various fact-checking formats used (online fact-checking, interactive programmes, radio formats, data visualisation, video formats etc.);
- A training session plus coaching on social media use, which focuses on strengthening community management skills and aims to give fact-checking content published on social media (Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp) optimal visibility.

The journalists selected for the training will also have individual (face-to-face or remote) coaching sessions to help them produce and disseminate content.

Apply now!

Deadline for receipt of applications: Friday 28 April, 6:00 p.m. GMT

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