Desinfox Youth

Since 2022, CFI has been conducting various pilot initiatives regarding information and media literacy (IML) to combat information tampering and hate speech. Young people have received training through the Desinfox Chad project in Chad, run in partnership with RFI Clubs, and the Talk Paix project in Cameroon, run with Fondation Conseil Jeunes.
Desinfox Youth draws on these initiatives to expand or consolidate IML in four African countries: in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the Central African Republic through renewed partnership with RFI Clubs, and in Cameroon and Côte d'Ivoire through technical and financial support provided to two civil society organisations (Eduk-Média in Cameroon and Bénévoles EMI in Côte d'Ivoire).
This project also supports the creation of press cartoons depicting information tampering and dissemination of misinformation on the digital platforms most used by young Africans, alongside the international NGO Cartooning for peace and the pan-African fact-checking organisation Africa Check.
Project beneficiaries
- Four media literacy partners to receive repayments for grants
- 200 young civic activists
- IML trainers
- Community radio stations
- Bloggers and influencers
- Leaders of CMPJ (Centre Multifonctionnel de Promotion des Jeunes — multipurpose youth empowerment centre) youth facilities
- Leaders of after-school and extracurricular activities
- Fact-checking journalists
- Press cartoonists
Files to download
IML training
- More capacity for managing grants;
- Training sessions for media literacy trainers, in partnership with CLEMI (Centre de liaison de l’enseignement et des médias d’information — liaison centre for education and media information);
- Producing IML resources;
- Training national stakeholders to be critical of misinformation and hate speech through IML training.
Supporting the production of press cartoons depicting misinformation, and their dissemination in the media and on social media
- Publishing a good practice manual for the analysis and dissemination of online content, according to the method taught by Africa Check;
- Illustrating fact-checking reports through press cartoons;
- Launching a press drawing and fact-checking award at the 2024 Africa Facts summit