Creation of all-news channel VTV24

In response to competition from international 24-hour news channels, and with the aim of winning back the national audience, which is increasingly turning to social networks, the Vietnamese state broadcaster VTV is preparing to set up and launch its new all-news channel, VTV24.
This project will support the broadcaster in its ambitious bid to develop a modern, reactive and interactive news service for viewers and Internet users in Vietnam.
As the state broadcaster's flagship project, VTV24 will draw on a team of 250 people, 9 production units and the participation of its regional and international offices. The channel, which is set to be launched in April 2017, will offer continuous 24-hour news coverage punctuated by talk shows and topical magazine programmes broadcast across the whole of Vietnam.
Project beneficiaries
- Les 230 journalistes de la chaîne, recrutés par VTV selon des profils de poste définis conjointement avec CFI
- Les 20 managers de la chaîne
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Strengthening of professional skills
To ensure the future channel is successful in achieving its goals and establish it as a credible player, journalistic accountability must be at the heart of its organisation. With this in mind, VTV and CFI have identified three levels of training adapted to the needs of journalists:
- initiation: training courses focused on the acquisition of basic skills, for young people embarking on a career in journalism,
- honing: courses designed for experienced journalists with a view to strengthening skills and teaching new methods,
- specialisation: themed courses specifically for the all-news format, such as "managing live and breaking news", "investigation techniques" or for a specific schedule slot, "creation of the pilot for a breakfast show".
The concept of interactivity is systematically integrated into the training to ensure journalists are aware of the participation of the public and the role played by digital media in the dissemination of news.
Vietnam: VTV modernises its editorial department
VTV24: CFI introduces Vietnam’s first news channel to French news production teams
VTV24: a CFI expert supports the creation of a news channel
Organisation of the channel: creation of a multimedia newsroom
A key stage in the creation of the channel, the organisation of the newsroom must permit maximum reactivity to breaking news. Mastering production processes and broadcasting media plays a part in determining the editorial content to be offered.
An expert is on hand to guide the VTV24 team through the various stages:
- determination of the editorial project, construction of the schedule and choice of formats, with newsroom executives
- organisation of a multimedia newsroom, definition of the organisational structure, job roles and workflows, coordination of synergies with other VTV entities. These training courses are for young recruits and newsroom executives.
- HR aspect: in conjunction with the HR department, the expert helps define job profiles and draft a detailed interview guide.
Creation of the website and development of interactive features
The project offers the services of a webmaster to define, together with the VTV24 web team, the site architecture in line with its editorial plans.
The goal is make the content broadcast on air available online, in collaboration with the newsroom, producing specific content while ensuring visibility on social networks.
Specific training focusing on managing the public and publishing its reactions is also planned, this being a necessary condition for the establishment of a credible, recognised interactive service.
Vietnam: VTV24 trains its digital editorial staff
Launch of the channel
The management team, under the guidance of marketing experts, shall define the identity and values of the VTV24 brand. A plan for communicating with the public on various different media will be determined as part of a targeted marketing strategy