

1. To raise awareness and train citizens (young people, children and their parents) in critical reflexes against disinformation and hate speech through education in media and information (EMI).
2. To support the advocacy of Cameroonian media managers and journalists for a legal status that is in line with international standards and that protects them.
3. To train Cameroonian media managers and journalists in the fundamentals of journalism, including how to verify information and the rules of ethics.
1,3 M
+ 10Participating organizations

A project

Supported by

In partnership with


Implemented by CFI, Eduk-Media and the International Federation of Journalists (FIJ), Cameroon Media+ will lay the foundations for structured and sustainable work to improve information reliability and quality, and promote a media environment that respects human rights and the principles of democracy. 
This work will be particularly relevant in the run-up to the elections – a time when disinformation is increasingly used to manipulate public opinion.

This ambitious project has three complementary components: education in media and information (EMI) through the training of trainers, and the creation of a skills centre; strengthening the institutional and legislative environment through advocacy, support for the Cameroon Journalists' Trade Union and the reintroduction of the press card; and building the capacity of beneficiary media staff in the fundamentals of journalism and its practice.

Project beneficiaries

• French- and English-language media and journalists;
• The teaching staff and managers of support structures for young people;
• Pupils who are members of school newspaper clubs;
• Members of professional associations of French and English-speaking journalists

Project manager


An in-depth study

Carried out in the field at the start of the programme, of the main stakeholders.

Training and capacity-building sessions

Organised for pupils, information professionals, journalists, trade union journalists and teaching staff.

Accessible and open training courses

Accessible and open training courses

Advocacy actions

Aimed at decision-makers, elected representatives, and local and national authorities to raise awareness of the importance of including EMI in school curricula, and of promoting legislative reforms to support a free and open media environment.

Public debates and discussion groups

Organised in collaboration with local and political partners will provide an opportunity to share ideas and knowledge about disinformation, journalists’ working conditions, and freedom of the press and expression.

The production and dissemination of media content

Raise awareness of EMI among the general public.

Financial support

Complement and strengthen these activities

Environmental impact will be taken into account

Environmental impact will be taken into account.