Yemeni journalists visit the European Commission
Having provided media coverage of the YIF – the second Yemen International Forum – in June 2023, Yemeni journalists met with the European Commission's Directorate‑General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA, formerly DG DEVCO).
The journalists were welcomed by Christine Tiberghien-Declerck, Team Leader Middle East and Gulf Countries and Giulia Iovino, Desk Officer in charge of Yemen. This meeting offered a unique opportunity to speak about their needs as journalists in Yemen and the general situation in their country:
"We are delighted by this visit, as we very rarely have the opportunity to meet with international stakeholders and donors to discuss the way in which peace journalism can be applied in practice".
Ali Al-Fakih, journaliste yéménite
The journalists shared their opinions with regard to the efforts needed to improve the functioning of the media in Yemen and also gave feedback on the FIY and on the need to continue efforts to achieve lasting peace in the country.
Launch of Yamaniyat in September
During these discussions, CFI presented its campaign in Yemen, focusing in particular on the results and impact of the YMER+ project, conducted with support from the Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI).
With a view to a possible partnership with DG INTPA, CFI announced the launch of a new project in Yemen, Yamaniyat, in September 2023. DG INTPA presented its current and future priorities and projects in the country. Both institutions expressed their desire to explore opportunities for future cooperation.