Three key media players join the Intajat Jadida team

Three key media players join the Intajat Jadida team

Al Khatt, Fablabchannel and will support the two groups of 12 Intajat Jadida beneficiaries in seeing their editorial projects through from conceptualisation to pilot production.

These three entities have wide-ranging media expertise, from editorial support and the definition of visibility and viability strategies to production. In addition to their knowledge, skills and training abilities, the Al Khatt, Fablabchannel and teams also share common values that promote the creation of new editorial content in Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia.

Collectively, they will run the incubation programme over a period of three months. This support will comprise three face-to-face meet-ups per beneficiary group, each lasting 4 to 5 days, designed to capitalise on the knowledge and skills of everyone. These incubation sessions will focus on editorial creativity (content, narrative format), as well as on defining a content delivery strategy.
They will also cover how to identify the necessary funding and an economic model to make the editorial project viable.

Encouraging creative, cultural and educational audiovisual content

The incubation programme will be followed by a 4-month mentoring programme during which pilots will be produced. Cross-disciplinary expertise will be provided to see each project through to production and to enable all pilots produced to compete to be named the best in their group. This support will be provided using various tools, which include a mentoring sheet, pitches at different stages of development, a quiz to test knowledge and a self-assessment of lessons learnt.

Claire Leproust, Fablabchannel founder
Claire Leproust, fondatrice de Fablabchannel

The Intajat Jadida project is supporting the innovation strategy of the audiovisual industry in Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia by contributing to the creation of creative, cultural and educational audiovisual content that focuses on business, cookery, personal development, video games, fashion, music, health and sport and which meets the expectations of those aged under 35.

Recent news from projects on the ground