With reusable bottles and a cooler for training sessions:  MediaSahel is taking a more environmentally-friendly approach

With reusable bottles and a cooler for training sessions: MediaSahel is taking a more environmentally-friendly approach

For several months, MediaSahel has been adopting a more eco-friendly strategy by banning single-use plastic water bottles from training sessions in Ouagadougou. These have been replaced with reusable bottles and coolers provided for participants.

Plastics persist in the sea for over 100 years (Lebreton et al., 2012). And when waste is sent to landfill, it breaks down and pollutes soils, which has an impact on the environment and, as a result, the food we eat and the way we live. According to statements issued by the UN, by 2050, our world’s oceans will have more plastic in them than fish,” […] microplastics are now confirmed in table salt, in fresh water, […], and each person on the planet is believed to have plastic in their bodies.

décharges océans

In the past, around 324 single-use plastic water bottles were used for a 12-day training session with 9 trainees, which is 36 bottles per person. This equates to the use of 1,944 plastic bottles for six of these training sessions. Now, we give each trainee a reusable bottle at the start of the session and have installed a water cooler in the room. Participants are informed of good practices and invited to bring their reusable bottles to any training sessions they may be invited to.

gourde mediasahel

More cost-effective, with savings of 50% when purchasing the reusable bottles and coolers, and less harmful to the environment, this good practice needs to be shared and is set to be rolled out in Mali and Niger.

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