Pilots produced by the second Intajat Jadida cohort reviewed by a test audience

Pilots produced by the second Intajat Jadida cohort reviewed by a test audience

Promises kept! The 11 educational and cultural content creators who make up the second Intajat Jadida cohort delivered their pilots in late January 2024.

This new editorial offering has had its first audience viewing: 16 digital media users under the age of 30 (journalism students or media professionals) analysed these pilots against several criteria: Is the editorial intention clear? Does the content meet a need? Have you learned something? Would you recommend this content? Do you want to watch another episode? What did you think of the technical and artistic quality? On which social networks would you like to consume this editorial content? How often?

Thanks to the initial feedback from this test audience, the editorial content creators are now in a position to refine their content to make it more attractive before the competition for best pilot in the second cohort is held in late February.


Intajat Jadida an incubation and mentoring programme, encourages entrepreneurship and strengthens the skills of beneficiaries. The programme, which is both flexible and multi-faceted, symbolises CFI’s commitment to a new generation of audiovisual content producers.

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