Mobile film production for refugee stories in Lebanon

Mobile film production for refugee stories in Lebanon

A workshop on “Mobile Film Production for Refugee Stories” in partnership with Al Jazeera Media Institute, was held from the 3rd to the 7th of October 2022 in Beirut, Lebanon. The training gathered 14 journalists from Lebanon, Syria and Palestine, 57% of whom are female.

The first two days and a half were combined between theory and practical exercises where participants were asked to practice on some of the theories they have learned by thinking of and developing film ideas suitable for mobile production and learning how to use the built-in mobile camera for filming.
Furthermore, they have been introduced to the concepts of the scenario, video editing, music selection, and have been trained on the use of some key applications such as the FilmicPro for filming, and Kinemaster for the video editing/montage.

Part of the third day and the fourth day were dedicated to the preparation of the individual projects. Each participant had to think of a creative idea and turn it into a film produced through the mobile by using all the tools he/she has been introduced to, and the skills he/she has gained.
This has been a challenging exercise, notably that it was the first time for the majority to use their mobile to produce a video. Yet, the experience yielded some successful videos of refugee stories.


“In addition to the technical and media skills that we have acquired, this program has added a new human and professional purpose to our lives and has given us the opportunity and a way to express our thoughts and vision to the audience.”
Reem Al Khatib (Syrian Freelance Journalist)

Videos produced by the participants from the workshop

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Produced by Cendrella Azar, the video tackles the bitter reality of Syrian refugees craving for a loaf of bread, in the wake of the bread crisis in Lebanon, and amidst mounting fake and discriminatory news and statements targeting them.

Produced by Reem Al Khatib, an other video tells the story of Reem herself, and the way she sees herself as a refugee, forced to leave her country for a country that does not recognize her, where she finds herself nameless, homeless and lonely despite having a name, a “home” and many friends. Reem is tired and dreams of not having to leave again, or run away anymore, but one thing she strongly believes in is that “she exists” and “she will forever exist”.

The workshop was organized within the framework of the Qudra 2 program a regional action co-financed by the EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis, the EU Madad Fund, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID). #EUMadFund #BMZ #EUinJordan #AECID #QudraProgramme #Resilience.

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