Investigative journalism: a new training programme in partnership with Mediapart

Investigative journalism: a new training programme in partnership with Mediapart

CFI, in partnership with Mediapart and with support from the Sub-Directorate for Democratic Governance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is running a training programme in investigative journalism for journalists in Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania and Tunisia. The programme will cover the issues of corruption, transparency and freedom of information.

Four training sessions, each lasting four days, will be held at CAPJC (the African Centre for the Training of Journalists and Communicators) in Tunis between November 2013 and February 2014. The aim is to produce investigative reports into issues concerning corruption, transparency and freedom of information which will be completed and ready for publication by the end of the programme.

Following the issue of a call for projects in October 2013, the selection committee met on 15 November to examine the applications from print and online journalists in Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania and Tunisia and select projects for the programme.
Ten investigative projects were chosen, of which four were put forward by teams of two, making a total of 14 participants.

The first training session will take place from 12-15 December 2013 in Tunis at CAPJC.
Led by Médiapart journalists François Bonnet and Fabrice Arfi and the Moroccan journalist Ali Lmrabet, this first session will cover the function of journalists in public debate, the specifics of investigative journalism, the protection of journalists and the rights and duties of the journalist as defined in international agreements and international law.

Recent news from projects on the ground