Improving cross-border investigations through collaborative journalism

Improving cross-border investigations through collaborative journalism

Journalists from six media outlets in Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina took part in a training programme on cross-border investigative journalism from 24 to 26 January 2024.

The programme was made up of a series of workshops that were delivered by a media expert and an expert in online journalism and online investigation techniques and focused primarily on open source intelligence (OSINT) techniques, data protection and ethical journalism.

The first day of this two-day training programme revolved around OSINT, while the second was dedicated to ethical investigation in cross-border journalism, which looked at how journalists should tackle the ethical dilemmas they encounter in their profession, particularly in the digital age.
The fruitful discussions between the participants, as well as the case studies and practical exercises, really deepened their understanding of these crucial aspects of their work.

We discussed some ethical dilemmas that we encounter on a daily basis [...] What we have learnt will be very useful in our everyday investigative journalism and fact-checking work."
A workshop participant

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