Emel Sidnate: "We must promote women's expertise in the media"
From 14 to 16 June 2023, ten women who are experts in a specific area of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) attended the third Afri’kibaaru media training session in Nouakchott. Interview with Dieynaba Diagana, specialist in gender and development, and Emel Sidnate, specialist in child protection.
What are the main ways in which this media training workshop has changed the way that you work?
Dieynaba Diagana : I have a better understanding of the media and I feel well-equipped to speak with greater confidence on camera.
Emel Sidnate : I learnt a set of techniques and tricks (gestures, gaze and intonations) that will help me to manage my behaviour vis-a-vis journalists and to optimise the impact of what I say in order to convey my message in an effective manner.
What challenges do you think you will be able to overcome now?
Dieynaba Diagana : As a human rights activist and, more specifically, a women's rights activist, my first challenge will be to use the media to convey a message about the social inclusion of women, innovation and breaking down the patriarchal model through a modern female ideal.
Emel Sidnate :The challenge will be to prepare myself to face the media, to express myself clearly on a given topic on camera and to captivate the audience. I would also like to put forward clear and concise messages to convey a positive image of my organisation, AMSME (Association Mauritanienne pour la Santé de la Mère et de l'Enfant – Mauritanian Association for Mother and Child Health).
What messages do you want to convey to media outlets that do not involve enough female experts in their programmes?
Dieynaba Diagana :The media needs to increasingly call upon women. This is the start of a positive change for the human and feminist cause. I have faith in contemporary media outlets; they are becoming increasingly open to inclusive reorganisation, with more freedom.
Emel Sidnate :The media has a fundamental responsibility as regards the way in which it perceives and represents social realities, including in particular gender relations, women's place in society and the stereotypes surrounding them. It is important that women are involved in this and that their expertise is promoted in the media in order to encourage them to make their voices heard and, above all, to challenge the stereotypes that are driving the divide between men and women.