Call for quotations - Provision of expertise in Media and Information Literacy (MIL) and fact-checking in the Western Balkans

The Balkan Expressions 2 project aims to strengthen young people's participation in regional dialogue by supporting their media and digital expression and combating misinformation.

The project focuses on 2 major axes:

  • Reinforcing Media and Information Education for young audiences, to enable them to decipher the challenges of online disinformation and help them forge a critical mind;
  • Renew professional practices by supporting future journalists in dealing with misinformation and common regional issues;

In order to implement this Project, CFI is looking for an international expert in the teaching of teachers (ToT), MIL (Media and Information Literacy) and fact-checking.

Call for quotations
Date de rendu
17th of December 2023 at 8:00pm (GMT+01:00 Paris, Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid)
À l'intention de
Charlotte Morel
Envoi par e-mail