Kalimat Horra
Since 2011 Tunisia been undergoing profound political, economic, social and cultural change. The adoption of the January 2014 Constitution signalled a major step forward in the transition to democracy.
The improving human rights situation in the country is central to this process. Indeed, although economic and social problems triggered the Revolution, this upheaval has led to demands for civil and political rights.
Over the last six years, CFI has been mentoring the media in Tunisia through a number of projects: support for Tunisian public TV and the CAP JC (the principal CPD centre for journalists), the launch of an investigative journalism training course in partnership with Mediapart, support for the development of grass-roots journalism in the regions and for the Tunisie Bondy Blog team, collaboration with the Tunis Afrique Presse agency (TAP), and more besides.
This new project in Tunisia, known as Kalimat Horra (free words), forms part of the wider 'Projet d'Appui aux Droits de l'Homme et à l'État de Droit' (Project for Promoting Human Rights and the Rule of Law, PADHED), which is supported by the Agence Française de Développement.
It is being conducted in partnership with the Tunisian Ministry responsible for relations with constitutional institutions, civil society and human rights, and combines three types of initiatives: training, and providing support in first producing and then circulating specialist content focusing on Human Rights.
These activities will make it possible for Tunisian journalists, defenders of rights and civil society organisations to reflect on matters and work together.
Project beneficiaries
Around twenty journalists, both staffers and freelancers, from the public and private sectors, and also bloggers and other media figures of proven profile and popularity.
Files to download
Organisation of three workshops on current major media issues in Tunisia
- Freedom of expression (state regulation), ethics (self-regulation by professionals).
- Freedom of expression: what are the implications for governance of public media? The role of the media in the production and dissemination of an alternative discourse whilst safeguarding freedom and plurality of expression.
Talking about freedom of expression in Tunis
Terrorism and hate speech: what role should the media play?
Backing for multimedia editorial projects (radio, video, text, infographics, photography, etc.) on the topic of human rights
Call for proposals on a set of roughly ten topics, open to all journalists, bloggers, YouTubers, and so on. Those involved are free to choose their medium, with preference being given to innovative formats.
Call for proposals for editorial projects on the issue of human rights
Kalimat Horra: the 8 winning journalists
Two human rights investigations awarded prizes in Tunis
Investigative journalism training course addressing human rights
Three training sessions will be organised, each with one day devoted to writing.