“Invisibles”, best foreign francophone fiction
The jury of the 20th edition of the Festival de la Fiction TV unveiled its list of prizewinners on 15 September 2018 in La Rochelle...
Promoting local news in Cambodia
At the start of September 2018, journalists from the news pure player Thmey Thmey were taught how to report on topics specifically relating...
Thmey Thmey at the forefront of the Cambodian media
One day in my media organisation is a series of weekly reports illustrating the daily lives of people who work in media organisations across...
African Open Data invited to Tbilisi
A delegation of journalists from 12 French-speaking African countries attended the Open Government Partnership (OGP) summit, which took...
The 10 winners of the D-Jil project
At the end of the two hackathons, a panel of experts and young people drawn from the Mediterranean region selected the 10 projects to be...
#PAGOF in Tunis in November
The first regional seminar for the #PAGOF project is to be held on 22 and 23 November of this year in Tunis. It will enable French-speaking...
Essentielle: a touch of femininity in the Madagascan media landscape
One day in my media organisation is a series of weekly reports illustrating the daily lives of people who work in media organisations...
Prachatai, the Thai media outlet championing democracy
One day in my media organisation is a series of weekly reports illustrating the daily lives of people who work in media organisations across...
D-Jil Hackathon: a first weekend of competition
16 projects embodying the digital revolution in the Arab world have been competing in Casablanca.
Creation of the Assises Internationales du Journalisme in Tunis
The International Journalism Conference, which each year brings together news/information specialists and the general public in Tours, will...
Elected officials and civil society engaged in promoting citizen harmony in Bobo and Fada
Thirty local elected officials and thirty civil society organisations (CSOs) from Fada N'Gourma and Bobo-Dioulasso have received awareness...
#PAGOF: data journalism workshops in Tunisia
The first initiatives are now underway following the official launch of the project in Tunis.