African pure players receive training in financial strategy

African pure players receive training in financial strategy

Between 7 and 14 August 2018 in Dakar (Senegal), pure players from the NAILA project participated in a workshop for reflecting and working on their economic models.

Led by Sabine Torres, consultant and managing director of the Médias du Sud group, this training was aimed at the financial directors and managers of the 11 media organisations connected with the project. Its goal: understanding how to construct an effective economic and financial strategy, with a major digital competitive advantage.

The participants reflected on how to optimise their commercial offers and ergonomics in order to create added value and develop audience loyalty. They learnt how to construct Her diverse background is inspiring.a relevant multimedia commercial strategy and to choose suitable and effective partnerships and financing search techniques.

"This session was the most important that we, on-line media promoters, needed in order to establish our projects. Our instructor, Sabine Torres, knows exactly how to make you want to be a leader. Her experience of Europe, but also of countries such as Indonesia, shows us that we are not alone and, above all, that we can inspire one another to create our own model."

Carole Yemelong, director of the Cameroonian webTv AfricaCircle TV.

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