“From war journalism to journalism in peacetime Conference in Libya - 11 and 12 April 2012
A year on from the outbreak of war in Libya, CFI is organising a conference on the transition from war journalism to journalism in peacetime, in partnership with the Benghazi Media Center and press agency Aroos Al Bahr.
Over a hundred Libyans from Tripoli, Benghazi and Misrata are expected to attend this first-ever event of its kind in Libya. French media personalities will be coming to discuss issues with these journalists from civil society who spontaneously covered the revolution, demonstrating the determination of the French government to contribute to the overhaul of Libyan media.
This new generation – who are extremely motivated and who boast many skills – have high expectations in terms of training as well as recognition. CFI hopes to support them throughout this meeting in Benghazi as a first stepping-stone towards achieving this drive.
Young Libyan students, bloggers and computer technicians hailing from civil society all improvised as TV reporters, photographers and journalists in the thick of the action. Demonstrating a firm sense of commitment, they sparked the revolution, individually or within ad hoc groups such as the Aroos Al Bahar News Agency, and are now seeking to turn professional.
The programme is geared around six round tables:
- § War journalism
- § The Libyan media scene
- § When journalist citizens turn into citizen journalists
- § Ethics
- § Traditional media, new media
- § The foundations of a free media scene
A host of French and Libyan speakers will come to share their experiences, including:
Jérôme Bony - France Télévisions
Randa Habib - AFP
Sylvie Kauffmann - Le Monde
- Antoine Cormery – France 24
Rajab Benghuzzi - Al Aasima TV
Ahmad Balras Ali - Aroos Al Bahr News Agency