Ukrainian journalists meet with expert, Igor Fedyk

Ukrainian journalists meet with expert, Igor Fedyk

On 15 February 2024, the Yak Vdoma team in Bucharest organised a very informative meeting and discussion between journalists benefiting from the residence and Igor Fedyk, a Ukrainian expert based in Bulgaria.

Igor Fedyk heads up and coordinates the South Eastern Europe Section of the New Geopolitics Research Network. He previously worked as the Head of the Balkan section of the Center for Army, Conversion and Disarmament Studies, and was also the Deputy Editor-in-chief of the English-language magazine, The Ukrainian Defense Review.


The discussions focused on Bulgaria and its priorities in terms of domestic and foreign policy. For the Ukrainian journalists at the Yak Vdoma residence, it was very important to learn who Ukraine could count on as a partner in bilateral relations: political support, humanitarian assistance and economic support.

The beneficiaries of the residence had the opportunity to discuss a number of topics with Igor Fedyk, including internal decision-making processes in Bulgaria, how to identify Bulgarian political stakeholders, the main disinformation narratives circulating in Bulgaria, the tools used to disseminate propaganda, the current challenges with the potential to influence political decisions and key trends in the development of the media landscape in the country.

RFI Ukraine will publish an in-depth interview with Igor Fedyk in the near future.

We would also like to thank the teams from RFI Romania for their help in arranging this meeting.


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