Tunisia: modernisation continues at the TAP press agency

Tunisia: modernisation continues at the TAP press agency

On 4 June 2016, management at Tunis Afrique Presse (TAP) unveiled the new "Agency Reporter's Manual" at a meeting for around 50 of its journalists.

Preparation of the manual took place over several stages. In the initial stage, an expert from Agence France Presse (AFP) was seconded to TAP in February to draw up the broad outlines of the manual with a team of twelve journalists.

Following a detailed presentation of the various reporter's manuals in use at AFP, AFP journalist Yves Gacon led a discussion workshop on working practices at TAP and canvassed the expectations of the twelve journalists involved in preparing the new document. He then provided core principles and essential rules to orient the group as they put together the guide, and assisted them with work on structuring the chapters.

At the end of this training session, two staff members were appointed to coordinate the group's preparation of the manual over a three-month period. The document was finally unveiled to an audience of around 50 journalists in early June. Comments and opinions voiced during this participatory session will be incorporated into the next version of the manual, which is currently being drawn up.

Coming soon: CFI is also set to offer a training session for TAP's sales team, which will cover inter alia the segmentation of the market, pricing policies and customer relations.

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