Syrian journalists mobilise for World Press Freedom Day
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The Syrian media incubatorIn April, with the support of CFI, the Syrian Female Journalists Network (SFJN) organised a training workshop on producing radio programmes. The resulting transmissions were then broadcast on World Press Freedom Day on 3 May 2015.
Established following the 2012 revolution, the SFJN brings together both male and female Syrian journalists, most of whom are based in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. The network's goal is to improve the standing of female journalists in the Syrian media landscape; to achieve this, it operates at a number of levels: providing training, setting up journalist networks, defending people, conducting research and implementing awareness-raising campaigns on issues such as press freedom, journalist safety and women's rights.
The workshop, held on 14–23 April at the Syrian Media Incubator in Gaziantep (Turkey), 120 kilometres from Aleppo, was aimed at journalists at eight Syrian radio stations.
"Through this training workshop, the various radio stations have improved their technical skills, enhanced their awareness of gender issues and learnt how to work together. The results are extremely positive," explains Milia Eidmouni, Trainer at the Female Journalists Network. "The vast majority of participants had no prior qualifications in journalism. Their ability to compile reports, their writing skills and their broadcasting skills have all improved."
All the participants produced radio reports and recorded them in the Incubator studio. A wide variety of subjects were covered, including the difficulties that journalists face on the ground, safety and the treatment given to the Syrian resolution in both the Arab and the international media.
"Without this support, we could not have organised these training days. CFI also permitted us to use the facilities, supplied the equipment (computers, recorders, etc.) and enabled us to launch our information campaigns," adds Milia. "The latest campaign on women's rights, which was arranged to coincide with International Women's Day, was a big success. Six radio stations, several television stations and five articles covered the campaign and conducted interviews with members of our network!"