Starting the year with training sessions for Afri’Kibaaru coaches on the interactivity and attractiveness of content
Related project
Afri'KibaaruTwo training sessions organised in Nouakchott and Niamey helped to boost the skills of the 19 coaches tasked with supporting the beneficiaries of the Afri’Kibaaru project in the production of interactive and attractive content.
Divided into two groups, the 19 coaches based in the project’s six partner countries (Mauritania, Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad) undertook a training session aimed at boosting their technical and pedagogical skills on the subject of the interactivity and attractiveness of content linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Célia Faconam D’Almeida, a trainer in Mali, has benefited in a number of ways: “I learned the theory with examples and an exchange of practices with the Mauritanian coach and also received feedback”.

In March, these 19 coaches will be tasked with passing on the techniques they have learned for improving the interactivity and attractiveness of content to the media outlets benefiting from the project.