Results of the "RightsInfo" project

Results of the "RightsInfo" project

Tackling issues associated with human rights at local level.

In line with a policy of empowering the media as a vehicle for promoting Human Rights in Mauritania, the RightsInfo project (2019 to 2020) has led to the broadening and strengthening of the network of journalists interested in these issues – particularly in the regions of Assaba and Gorgol – and to the formation of a network of independent trainers who are reliable and are prepared to support journalists in their journalistic work; and to the promotion of discussion between journalists, civil society associations and agents of the State committed to promoting human rights; and has contributed to the exchange of information and to coordination with other Mauritanian and international players.

In terms of figures, the results of the project may be summarised as follows:
- One female and seven male trainers trained and one female and four male trainers recruited for the design and implementation of quality training on the media treatment of human rights;
- The professional skills of 36 journalists in the public and private regional press (including 3 women) have been improved and the idea of using journalism as a tool for raising awareness has proven to be effective;
- 25 journalists, identified for advanced training (including one woman), extended their professional skills in the area of human rights and were supported in the production of content;
- 25 journalistic items were produced in Arabic, French and Soninke in Assaba, Gorgol and neighbouring regions;
- 23 journalistic productions were published and broadcast in the public and private media in Arabic, French and Soninke;
- In the RightsInfo 2020 Competition (link), three winners received awards in the categories "radio", "written press and online press" and "video". Three other winners received incentive awards in the three categories.

In addition to these results, the project also helped generate discussion between journalists in Nouakchott and journalists working on local issues in the various regions of Mauritania.

CFI wishes to thank the journalists, trainers, coordinators and GIZ and its partners in the project for their successful collaboration.

Training, journalist support and the competition were organized as part of the Promoting Human Rights and Human Rights Dialogue (Promotion des Droits Humains et Dialogue sur les Droits Humains, (PDDH support programme implemented by Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in Mauritania.

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