Publication of reports following #SoJo workshops in Haiti

Publication of reports following #SoJo workshops in Haiti

In February, six journalists and bloggers received training on how to produce local and regional news reports, before going out into the field and telling their stories, with coach Eric le Braz providing support remotely. Discover what they created.

Early pregnancy, digital classrooms and dropping out of school, road renovations, stoves used to fight deforestation, insecurity and community action, and pine forest management. Six multimedia reports on these topics were produced in March and published on blogs and media sites in Haiti.

These productions follow the (the solutions journalism (SoJo)), approach and concentrate on solutions to problems in society that have been identified. The productions present the solutions and analyse those that work and those that do not.

haiti joso


Discover the six reports here


- Feguenson Hermogene/Valérie Baeriswyl – Ayibopost
Journey to the heart of Haiti’s largest nature reserve

- Stevens Jean-Francois – Le Courrier de la Nation
Why the security situation in Perches de Bonnet, Milot, did not worsen after it was restored to normal

- Nelson Deshommes – Mondoblog
Haiti: professional stoves to fight deforestation

- Websder Corneille/Luckenson Jean – Loop Haïti
Renovated road in Léogâne transforms local residents’ lives

- Mélissa Béralus –
An investigation into early pregnancies in the commune of Mirebalais

- Gérard Jeanty Junior – Le Nouvelliste
Haitian education system becomes increasingly digital


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